Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I try t o live in a peaceful manner. There was a time that I invited (subconsciously I hope) tumult and "drama" but for the most part I try to keep myself in my lane, without cutting off other drivers on this freeway of life. However there are times that I encounter people that are fanatical about people and or entertainers that will take it personally if you voice or in this case type your opinion. This makes me get all UNNECESSARY. I learned this term from a beautiful transsexual named Kim in NYC. She was accosted and attacked by a heterosexual couple fresh off the bus from New Jersey, she was perceived to be a freak because her voice did not match her face and body. She tried to walk away and repeatedly told them to leave her alone but they were relentless in their badgering, then it happened. THEY TOUCHED HER FACE. She calmly took off her heels, her earrings, pulled her weave into a ponytail and became a ninja, a green beret and La Femme Nikita. She started with the drunk girl. Two slaps and one punch to the head she went down. Her boyfriend joined in and Kim descended on him with a series of blows that most Ultimate Fighting Champions could only duplicate with years of intensive training. He went down, out cold. My friends and I tried to warn them to leave her alone but they were drunk, bigoted, and believed that a "fag" in a dress was an easy target. They were wrong.  So as Kim regained her ladylike stance, asked for her earrings and shoes back, she muttered very softly "They made get all UNNECESSARY". I asked what that meant. She replied "Honey sometimes when you get attacked and you try your best to avoid conflict someone will push you to the point of no return". There are few people that have pushed me to that point, albeit verbally, I have become UNNECESSARY. I am not proud nor ashamed of it. It is a state of being in which your brain is hyperactive and the verbal blows are what we kids call Legendary. They seem to flow out of me without my permission in a seamless barrage of bullets that are not only hurtful but in some cases scarring. So if you think you can come for me, think again, you do not want me to get UNNECESSARY.


  1. Beautiful story and great term!

  2. I am quite appalled (I know right?) really appalled at what we consider a celebration of Gay Pride today. Scantily clad if not almost nude twacked out queens gyrating in vulgar displays of asinine behavior. Tore up drag queens with a five o'clock shadow at 9 am pulling and tugging at the G strings and or go go shorts of twacked out queens that could not be more disinterested if they were Margaret Thatcher covered in vagina gravy. Please do not misunderstand my rant...I HAVE AN ENORMOUS RESPECT FOR FILTH, but a place for everything and everything in its place. We share this community with people that have children and as tolerant or supportive as many heterosexuals are, they nor their children should be made to feel uncomfortable by our behaviors. C'mon let us be honest. If a hetero couple were to do everything but all out fornicate in a public setting we would be grossed out. So why must we object anyone to that type of discomfort? MAKING ANYONE FEEL ILL AT EASE AS BLANCHE DEVEREAUX ( of Golden Girls fame for the twinks that might read this)would be UNSOUTHERN...if we demand equality and respect we must earn it. Dignified representation of GLBT community was virtually nonexistent at WEHO Pride. I would be remiss to not give credit where credit is due. Aid4Aids was as usual tongue in cheek humor with a mix of glamour and bulging biceps but I really can not remember many more organizations that were "CLASSY". Ok Gelsons but they were outright boring. With so much media attention fixed at us today and so much at stake why do we continue to shoot ourselves in the foot? We need allies, many people are undecided or really do not give a rats ass about us so why not gently convince them that supporting our equality to marry, rear children, have what was so freely given to heterosexuals will not in any way shape,way , or form deny them of the quiet and vulgarity free enjoyment of theirs. This was about Stonewall and the brave GLBT that stood up to oppression and fought back. We really can not know where we are going unless we know where we have been. Let's honor those that came before us and set an example for those that follow us. AGAIN we have so many venues that are available for us to enjoy and celebrate our sexual proclivities ( clubs, internet, but more importantly the privacy of our own homes. I am not a prude far from it. I guess as I mature I see the big picture and IT IS REALLY NOT ABOUT JUST ME it is about us and our contributions to society as a whole. Peace out.
